
Supported Countries

A complete list of all supported countries and peak groups within the TrailWise platform. This list is updated periodically, so check back often!

British Isles

  • Arderins (409 peaks)

    Irish mountains above 500m, with a prominence over 30m. The term `Arderin` is symbolic, meaning `Ireland's height` in Irish.

  • Birketts (541 peaks)

    Lake District peaks above 304m, as defined by Bill Birkett.

  • Corbetts (222 peaks)

    Scottish peaks between 762 and 914m, as compiled by John Rooke Corbett.

  • County Tops (213 peaks)

    Highest points within each County and Unitary Authority within the UK.

  • Donalds (89 peaks)

    Scottish mountains above 609m, as defined by Percy Donald.

  • Ethels (95 peaks)

    Peak District hills above 400m, named after Ethel Haythornthwaite.

  • Munros (282 peaks)

    Scottish mountains above 914m, as compiled by Sir Hugh Munro.

  • Wainwrights (214 peaks)

    The famous Lake District peaks as described by Alfred Wainwright.


  • Alps (28 peaks)

    Majestic mountain range in southeastern France known for its towering peaks and skiing resorts.

  • Jura Mountains (1 peak)

    Medium-elevation mountain range on the France-Switzerland border with a prominent peak.

  • Massif Central (1 peak)

    Vast upland region in central France featuring a significant volcanic peak.

  • Pyrenees (6 peaks)

    Natural border between France and Spain, famous for its impressive peaks and outdoor activities.

  • Vosges (1 peak)

    Northeastern French mountain range with a notable peak and scenic hiking trails.


  • Alps (265 peaks)

    Iconic mountain range in northern Italy, known for its numerous peaks and stunning alpine landscapes.

  • Apennines (28 peaks)

    A mountain range running the length of Italy, featuring various peaks and diverse terrain.

  • Bergamasque Prealps (3 peaks)

    A subrange of the Alps in Lombardy, Italy, characterized by three prominent peaks.

  • Bernina Range (8 peaks)

    Part of the Eastern Alps, renowned for its eight distinct peaks and scenic beauty.

  • Bregaglia Range (8 peaks)

    A subrange of the Alps located on the Swiss-Italian border, featuring eight notable peaks.

  • Brenta Dolomites (7 peaks)

    A group of seven stunning peaks within the Dolomites range, known for their unique rock formations.

  • Carnic Prealps (4 peaks)

    A subrange of the Southern Limestone Alps, home to four prominent peaks.

  • Cristallo (2 peaks)

    A mountain in the Dolomites featuring two significant summits and impressive rock walls.

  • Dolomites (43 peaks)

    Famous mountain range in northeastern Italy, recognized for its rugged peaks and World Heritage status.

  • Grand Combin (4 peaks)

    A group of four peaks in the Pennine Alps, offering challenging mountaineering opportunities.

  • Independants (4 peaks)

    Distinct peaks in Italy, each standing independently in various regions.

  • Langkofel Group (2 peaks)

    A subgroup of the Dolomites with two prominent peaks known for their unique appearance.

  • Ligurian Apennines (2 peaks)

    Two notable peaks in the Apennine mountain range in the Liguria region.

  • Marmarole (4 peaks)

    A mountain group in the Dolomites consisting of four prominent peaks.

  • Marmolada (3 peaks)

    Known as the "Queen of the Dolomites," Marmolada features three significant summits.

  • Massif des Cerces (4 peaks)

    A mountain massif located in the Cottian Alps, comprising four noteworthy peaks.

  • Mont Blanc massif (15 peaks)

    The Mont Blanc Massif is a famous mountain range in the Alps, featuring 15 significant peaks, including the iconic Mont Blanc, the highest peak in Western Europe.

  • Monte Rosa (13 peaks)

    Monte Rosa is a stunning massif in the Pennine Alps, known for its 13 prominent peaks and the Dufourspitze, the second-highest summit in the Alps.

  • Monti Picentini (5 peaks)

    The Monti Picentini are a subrange of the Apennines, featuring five notable peaks in the Campania and Basilicata regions of southern Italy.

  • Pala Group (4 peaks)

    The Pala Group is a subrange of the Dolomites in northern Italy, distinguished by its four significant peaks and rugged terrain.

  • Pre-Apennines (4 peaks)

    The Pre-Apennines, or "Apennino Settentrionale," include four distinct peaks located at the northern edge of the Apennine mountain range.

  • Rieserferner Group (4 peaks)

    A mountain group within the Alps, the Rieserferner Group consists of four notable peaks, offering beautiful alpine landscapes.

  • Rosengarten Group (2 peaks)

    The Rosengarten Group, or "Catinaccio," is a Dolomite mountain range with two stunning peaks and unique pink rock formations.

  • Sexten Dolomites (11 peaks)

    The Sexten Dolomites, located in the Dolomites range, are famous for their 11 striking peaks and outstanding mountaineering opportunities.

  • Sicily (23 peaks)

    The island of Sicily in southern Italy is home to 23 noteworthy peaks, offering diverse landscapes and outdoor activities.

  • Small Islands (7 peaks)

    Various smaller islands around Italy feature seven significant peaks, each with its own charm and natural beauty.

  • Tofane (3 peaks)

    The Tofane is a mountain group in the Dolomites with three distinct peaks, known for their breathtaking vistas and climbing routes.

  • Venediger Group (4 peaks)

    Part of the High Tauern range, the Venediger Group boasts four notable peaks and stunning alpine scenery.

  • Villgraten Mountains (2 peaks)

    The Villgraten Mountains are a subrange of the Alps, characterized by two prominent peaks in the Villgraten Valley of Austria and Italy.

North America

  • Aguascalientes (1 peak)

    A notable peak in the state of Aguascalientes, Mexico.

  • Alaska (61 peaks)

    The state of Alaska boasts 61 significant peaks, including some of the highest and most iconic mountains in North America.

  • Alberta (12 peaks)

    Alberta, Canada, features 12 prominent peaks in its stunning mountainous landscapes.

  • Arizona (3 peaks)

    Arizona, in the southwestern United States, is home to three distinct peaks known for their unique beauty.

  • Baja California (1 peak)

    A remarkable peak in the Baja California peninsula of Mexico.

  • British Columbia (34 peaks)

    British Columbia, Canada, is known for its 34 notable peaks and breathtaking mountain scenery.

  • California (34 peaks)

    The state of California in the United States includes 34 significant peaks, offering diverse outdoor adventures.

  • Chiapas (1 peak)

    A notable peak located in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.

  • Chihuahua (1 peak)

    A prominent peak in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico.

  • Coahuila (5 peaks)

    Coahuila, Mexico, features five remarkable peaks, each contributing to its rugged landscape.

  • Colima (1 peak)

    A distinct peak located in the state of Colima, Mexico.

  • Colorado (117 peaks)

    Colorado, a mountainous state in the U.S., boasts an impressive 117 significant peaks, including the Rocky Mountains.

  • Costa Rica (2 peaks)

    The country of Costa Rica offers two remarkable peaks amidst its lush tropical landscapes.

  • Dominican Republic (1 peak)

    A notable peak in the Dominican Republic, known for its natural beauty.

  • Durango (1 peak)

    A significant peak located in the state of Durango, Mexico.

  • Greenland (4 peaks)

    Greenland, an autonomous territory of Denmark, features four noteworthy peaks within its Arctic landscapes.

  • Guanajuato (1 peak)

    A remarkable peak in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico.

  • Guatemala (8 peaks)

    Guatemala offers eight prominent peaks within its diverse and mountainous terrain.

  • Guerrero (1 peak)

    A significant peak in the state of Guerrero, Mexico.

  • Idaho (6 peaks)

    Idaho, in the northwestern U.S., features six remarkable peaks within its diverse landscapes.

  • Jalisco (2 peaks)

    The state of Jalisco, Mexico, is home to two distinctive peaks.

  • México (5 peaks)

    The state of México, Mexico, boasts five notable peaks within its territory.

  • Michoacán (1 peak)

    A prominent peak located in the state of Michoacán, Mexico.

  • Montana (15 peaks)

    Montana, in the western U.S., offers 15 significant peaks, including the rugged Rocky Mountains.

  • Morelos (1 peak)

    A remarkable peak in the state of Morelos, Mexico.

  • Nevada (13 peaks)

    Nevada, a western U.S. state, features 13 notable peaks, known for its desert and mountain landscapes.

  • New Mexico (11 peaks)

    New Mexico offers 11 distinct peaks amidst its beautiful southwestern terrain.

  • Nuevo León (2 peaks)

    The state of Nuevo León, Mexico, includes two significant peaks.

  • Oaxaca (3 peaks)

    Oaxaca, Mexico, is home to three remarkable peaks within its diverse landscapes.

  • Oregon (4 peaks)

    Oregon, in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S., boasts four notable peaks, including the Cascade Range.

  • Panama (1 peak)

    A significant peak in the country of Panama, known for its tropical beauty.

  • Puebla (5 peaks)

    The state of Puebla, Mexico, features five prominent peaks within its territory.

  • Querétaro (1 peak)

    A remarkable peak located in the state of Querétaro, Mexico.

  • San Luis Potosí (1 peak)

    A significant peak in the state of San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

  • Tlaxcala (1 peak)

    A notable peak in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico.

  • Utah (14 peaks)

    Utah, in the western U.S., boasts 14 significant peaks, including those in the rugged Wasatch Mountains.

  • Veracruz (2 peaks)

    The state of Veracruz, Mexico, includes two distinctive peaks.

  • Washington (4 peaks)

    Washington state offers four notable peaks, including those in the stunning Cascade Range.

  • Wyoming (17 peaks)

    Wyoming, in the western U.S., features 17 significant peaks, including the famous Teton Range and Yellowstone National Park.

  • Yukon (24 peaks)

    The Yukon territory in Canada boasts 24 remarkable peaks within its remote wilderness.

  • Zacatecas (1 peak)

    A prominent peak in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico.


  • Alps (388 peaks)

    The Swiss Alps, known for their stunning beauty, include 388 significant peaks and offer world-class skiing and mountaineering.

  • Bernina Range (10 peaks)

    The Bernina Range in eastern Switzerland features ten prominent peaks and is famous for Piz Bernina, the highest summit in the Eastern Alps.

  • Bregaglia Range (4 peaks)

    The Bregaglia Range in the canton of Graubünden boasts four notable peaks and is renowned for its alpine climbing routes.

  • Independants (5 peaks)

    Switzerland is home to five independent peaks, each distinct and offering unique mountaineering challenges.

  • Jura Mountains (15 peaks)

    The Jura Mountains in Switzerland include 15 significant peaks and provide picturesque landscapes for outdoor enthusiasts.

  • Lugano Prealps (9 peaks)

    The Lugano Prealps encompass nine striking peaks in the southern part of Switzerland, offering scenic hiking and natural beauty.

  • Mont Blanc massif (5 peaks)

    While mostly in France, the Mont Blanc Massif extends into Switzerland, featuring five notable peaks, including Mont Blanc itself.

  • Rätikon (8 peaks)

    The Rätikon mountain range in eastern Switzerland comprises eight prominent peaks and is popular among climbers and hikers.

  • Sesvenna Range (7 peaks)

    The Sesvenna Range, located in the canton of Graubünden, offers seven impressive peaks and beautiful alpine landscapes.

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